
Marilyn Martin is a writer and learning specialist in private practice who works with children with dyslexia and nonverbal learning disabilities. She holds a B.A in English literature from the University of Chicago, a Masters Degree in learning and reading disabilities from Vermont College of Union Institute, and an MFA in nonfiction from Bennington College. She has twice been awarded fellowships to the Virginia Center for Creative Arts. Her essays have appeared in Third Coast, Gulf Coast, Catamaran, Lake Effect, Chautauqua and elsewhere. She is the author of the nonfiction book, Helping Children with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities to Flourish, and her personal essays have been cited as notable essays in Best American Essays 2016 and 2018.


“My Father’s Iris”

LIT Magazine

Fall 2024


“Seeing With My Own Eyes”

March 2023


“Learning to Dress for the Weather”

Under the Gum Tree

Spring 2020


“Daphne and the Bear”

Blue Stern

Spring 2020


“The Scapular”

Best American Essays 2018

Named as a notable essay


“The Sound of Grief Like This”

Lake Effect

Spring 2018 


“The Scapular”

Catamaran Literary Reader

Fall 2017


"State of Grace" 

Best American Essays 2016

Named as a notable essay


"State of Grace" 

Third Coast 40




Border Crossing 5


nominated for a Pushcart Prize


“Swimming with Snakes”

Chautauqua: Wonders of the World 11



“The Egg Man”

New Madrid

Winter 2013


“The Treachery of Trees”

Gulf Coast 24.2



“In Her Day”

The MacGuffin 28.2



“Driving to Waldorf”

Front Porch Journal 17



“My Father’s Tears”

Southern Indiana Review 18.1




Interview with Marilyn

By Jillena Rose at Border Crossing

> Click here to read


Helping Children with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities to Flourish

Jessica Kingsley Publishers


… packed with relevant and useful understandings that can be taken into an educational psychologist's practice when working with schools. - Debate

This is also a positive, practical and essentially hopeful book… I imagine that many parents will find the chapter on 'the importance of the family' a real tonic. It is realistic about the challenges families face, but also provides some heartening, straightforward advice. I felt quite inspired and emotional while reading this book. It is hopeful and deep. It reminded me…how a teacher's or therapist's sensitivity and openness to new ideas can be valuable as in-depth knowledge…A very good book. - Special Children

Imagine getting lost in your own home, forgetting where the bathroom is at work… These are just some of the myriad challenges faced by individuals with a Nonverbal Learning Disability, or NLD. In Helping Children With Nonverbal Learning Disabilities to Flourish, Marilyn Martin gives an overview of NLD and strategies for teaching individuals with this disability. Using examples of her struggles to help her daughter, who has NLD, as well as current research, she has written a book helpful for both parents and professionals… - Foreword Reviews